Saturday 20 April 2013

Meaning Behind: Cut With Grace

I had the chords of this song for around 2 months before I finally wrote these lyrics! I could hear the song in my head but I just couldn't write the words- it was such a frustrating period for me but it was worthwhile because I worked hard and this is now one of my favourite original songs :) 

The verses are generally about being drawn to someone who isn't completely emotionally stable and you never really know where you stand with them, and you are always there for them but you can feel yourself being pushed away. My favourite verses are the 3rd and 4th: 

I'll always long for the secrets of your heart,
But i'm happy to settle for the embrace
Of your arms

You killed all the flowers and the trees
Then you cried your heart out at the absence of the bees

And even though you love them dearly you know you will never have their whole heart and always be second best to a past love, yet you are watching them push away those who care and they are just in this glass box of self destruction and it's just ediwufjwijfulw for those trying to help. 

The chorus is more positive though, and i'd like to think that the general message of the overall is positive. The chorus is about just doing whatever you want and believing in yourself! We are all a 'cut from grace' and made 'in hands of faith', i.e we are all beautiful amazing human beings and made by people who believe in us-that can be taken on two levels ;). 

Ultimately the message of the song is just to believe in yourself, if you really want to do something then you can and you will :) 

Hope you likes this and I will do some more of these!

Sarah x

Running and why I think it is great!

I went for a run this morning and began to draft up this post in my head. I was thinking about how much I just love going for runs. I am totally guilty of having running fever and last year I really began to get into it- I entered a few half marathons and also ran the Great South Run. (see picture below)

So why run? I'm constantly told by people that I have 'no need to run' and should stop 'trying to lose weight', which personally I think is really silly, because there are so many other reasons why someone might want to run! I definitely don't run to lose weight, instead I go out running because it makes me feel so healthy! Last year when I was really training I noticed my body toning up, my stamina building, my skin became the best it had ever been and I noticed my daily mood was better!

This year I am taking running a little bit easier, I just try to run once a week! On average I've been going for 3 mile runs(the distance from my house, to the beach, along the beach and back through farmland/a forest) every Saturday morning just to keep up my fitness :)

Getting started is always the hardest part, if you want to get into running I would suggest starting on a treadmill/very light jogs at first and slowly building up. I use the Nike+ running app to track all of my runs as I find the statistics interesting and helpful; find some songs that you love, and do it when you can. As I said, I run just for fun- so if the weather is bad then I don't force myself out-I just try to keep to a general plan of one run a week!

Once you overcome the issue of stamina I PROMISE you, you will feel amazing. The feeling of being healthy and physically fit is, for me, incomparable. Which is why I have decided to carry on running, I definitely don't want all the hard work I put in last year to go to waste! Do you like running? Or would you like to get into it? If you have any questions then you can ask me on Facebook, Twitter or Tumblr.

Sarah x :)

P.s. always stretch before and after! :)

Sunday 3 March 2013

February 2013


Not much happened this month, hahaha lies. I went to record in the studio, stargazing every weekend, received some lovely things in the mail such. On repeat I had Gabrielle Aplin's newest EP 'Please Don't Say You Love Me'- my fav track is 'Stranger Side' and I also have been singing twist and shout non stop and I now have a very very sore throat, I also fell in love with 'Please, Please Me' by again... The Beatles, which is such a tune. The harmonies are to die for!!!

March is even busier, this week I am singing every single night for an island festival competition thing which should be fun, I also have a 2 hour gig on Sunday and yesterday hit 19,000 subscribers. I aim to hit 20 by the time i turn 18 on the 27th April!!!

Until next time you can follow me on twitter @sazclose :)

Friday 22 February 2013

Recording In The Studio!

On Tuesday I spent a few hours in a local studio here on the island. It was soooo much fun, the only downside is that studio time cost money and the few hours I spent there has now left me with only a few pennies in my purse- ALL worth it though.

I recorded the base of 4 tracks and started to layer up some more; some drums, bass, banjo, loads! It's interesting to hear me begin to make the transition from an predominantly acoustic act to a more produced sound.

I am really looking forward to sharing these with everyone- which will eventually happen. I know I don't share many of my originals on YouTube etc. but it is all for a good reason. I will do a blog post on it soon! I'm planning to use these tracks (when they are finished) to shop around some of my contacts and things and maybe set up a few things... ; ) I don't want to mention what it is quite yet but these tracks are definitely helping me make a step in the right direction!

On another note, I'm thinking of doing more blog posts about tips and tricks for YouTube, i've been on the site for 3-4 years with a few different accounts. When I first started one of the hardest things was knowing what was the best thing to do, I think maybe those posts would be helpful? Let me know by leaving a comment or sending me an ask on tumblr with things you would like to read about : )

Wednesday 6 February 2013

London Trip!

Yesterday I went up to London, it was a great but exhausting day, I live about 2 and a half hours away from London so luckily I can make a trip in a day without too much hassle.

I woke up at 5.30am, crazy time but I wanted to make the very most of the day because it's not that often I visit London.

At around 10 i finally got off my train and met Callum, you may know him as Callux, we have been talking for maybe two years and he used my covers at the end of some of his gaming videos. We have arranged to meet before but for some reason it's always ended up not happening.

We didn't get to spend much time together but it was fun, it's cool that you can meet people over YouTube and meet up and be friends. I took Callum took the Lomography shop, which if you didn't know, is a company dedicated to film photography. I LOVE this store, film photography is so much fun and i would advise everyone to get a cheapo film camera and try it out.

This is a picture of the walls in the lomography store, they are soooo cool and i love them. So inspirational!
Afterwards we went to Starbucks and i convinced Callum that the Isle Of Wight has it's own special pound coins.
We split at the Jubilee line and I took this photo of me and Callum(shown below), i look ridiculously smiley and we didn't meet for long enough but it was fun.

I mentioned in a previous post that I really wasn't sure what to do when September comes around, after a lot of thinking and sleepless nights I decided to apply to a music school called 'The Institute', it's a great school which will get me to move to London and help get me into the music scene! My audition went really really well, I had to play three original songs and talk about all things music, like who inspires me as a songwriter etc. I was super nervous beforehand but as soon as the audition/interview began the nerves settled down, it was really informal and for me just like a gig but I was only playing to one person!

I then took the tube to West London, this is the first time that I have navigated the tubes by myself and I was slightly apprehensive but it's actually so easy. I met up with a great guy who has worked/works in the music industry since he was a teenager, we met in this amazing hip little cafe on Portobello Road called David's cafe. We sat and talked for an hour or more- I wasn't keeping track of time, and it was just so great. He is super honest with me and tells me exactly what he thinks of my songs, which is such a hard thing to find. I want to be the best songwriter I can be and for me, I think honesty-even if it's brutal and not what you want to hear- is the key. (that rhymes=coolness) I also feel like he really believes in me which I value so much, there are so many people in the industry who exploit musicians and think about all the money someone can make instead of thinking about the music, I have already come across quite a few people like that but my gut feeling has always warned me! But it's so refreshing to hear someone say they believe in you and offer to help you out of the kindness of their heart.

When I finally sat on the train home I felt so great, I had an amazing day and I was so so so exhausted but it was worth it. I'll be sad to leave the comforts of home but i'm looking forward to moving to London in the summer : )

Thursday 24 January 2013


I was asked to do a question and answer blog post, so i put out a tweet and status asking everyone and this is what i was asked!

  • What hidden talents do you have?
I can solve a rubix cube and i'm fairly good at Bop It!!

  • What are your goals/dream in life?
To be my own idea of successful and be happy : )

  • Who is your favourite artist?
I don't think i have a favourite but i have a few: Gabrielle Aplin, The Strokes, Katy Perry, BOY and a few more

  • Are you single?
haha yep!

  • What music equipment do you use?
When i make my videos i use my mum's Canon 550D camera to record the video and normally use my phone to record the sound-which i upload to soundcloud. When i make demos or proper recordings i use an M-Audio Nova mic and an M-Audio Fastrack Pro preamp. : ) and i use Logic Express on my mac : )
  • What inspires you to sing?
It makes me happy and free, i express myself through my music and it's fun!
  • Who are your inspirations?
Hmmm... i'm not sure i have any main inspirations as i look up to many different people!
  • If you had one shot, one opportunity. To seize everything you ever wanted, in one moment. Would you capture it or just let it slip?

YES. I hate 'what ifs' so i kinda just 'go' and think later on!

  • What musical instruments do you play?

I play the guitar, piano, ukulele and I'm alright at the harmonica, I used to play the clarinet and trombone and I am learning the drums and bass : )

Monday 31 December 2012

Newest video and last video of 2012!

This is my last video of 2012, i really hope you like it, i have had this song on repeat since it first came out on the 'RED' album.

Here it is!!
and Happy New Year to everyone :)

Monday 24 December 2012

3am Musings

It's Christmas Day... So first off, Merry Christmas!

It's currently 3am, and I can't sleep, sadly it's not due to excitement- although I wish it was- so I suggest not reading on if you don't want me to dampen your festive spirits.

2012 has been a great year in many aspects, however for many reasons I am so so glad to say goodbye to it. I hold out the hope that 2013 will be better.

Whilst 2012 has been so-so and i say i am glad to say 'Adios!'; i am also terrified to progress into 2013. This next year will be really big and important, after 13 years it will be my concluding year or school and I will be pushed into the realities of living in this big world. Frankly, the thought terrifies me, especially because I really am not sure what I am going to do when I do leave school!!

All of my friends have applied to Unis and next year will be heading off to their choices(provided they get the grades-which they will) whereas I really have no plan. I really have no idea. Also, I hate change, and knowing so much of it is round the corner has meant many sleepless nights worrying and questioning how I am going to cope with 2013.

I know I want to do music, I honestly believe there is no point in doing something unless you are happy. I know I wouldn't be happy doing anything other than music, but I can't keep on holding onto the hope that between now and July 2013 someone is going to take me under their wing and help me complete my conquest. If not, then i don't know what I am going to do when school ends... i'd love to go live in London and play shows but with what money? but at the same time i can't stay on the Isle of Wight because there is nothing here(seriously) I feel that I just need someone to believe in me, I feel in my gut that good things have to be happening soon, but then, how can I be going into music if I don't believe that?? It's such a risky industry, full of games and players. I don't want to get lost but I do want to be wandering the maze.

Life is so difficult and confusing, I have no sense of direction. Although I am provided with so much support, and I know some people believe in me, it is so hard to not feel overwhelmed. It is especially hard when I watch those who are of the same age succeeding like I would love too. I am not bitter nor jealous, however watching from the sidelines motivates me to strive harder to achieve all that I want. I wish I could be a famous persons daughter so I had a straight and easy way in 😣 but I will try so hard in the next year to prove to everyone-including myself and my doubts- that it is possible to achieve what is thought to be impossible.

3am thoughts are scary and unnerving. Yet I felt I had to share, if not I think I might drive myself to (as of right now) unthinkable places.

Love Sarah

Thursday 13 December 2012



So i've finally decided to start blogging, to help document and to help share the journey. It also acts as a little online scrapbook i guess :)

I'm going to start doing this 'blogging' thing as a regular thing in 2013, so i want to know what you want to see!! FAQs, beauty things, how i do my hair(i actually don't do anything but i can pretend i do).

Let me know(i don't know how you are meant to let me know but hopefully you do!)

I have many plans for 2013, such as a new EP, a website(!!!!!!!) maybe some supporting of some artists(this is in talks but i hope it becomes concrete), i've already been booked for a couple of festivals where i live and just gigging and music and maybe i might move to London and do music until it comes pouring out of my ears and then maybe 2013 will be the first time i ever go to bed without worrying about the future, but then does anyone?!

I think this is about time to end this before i drone on for too long, i am ill and dying(not really) so no new videos until i am better(currently saving my voice for gigs this weekend)

love sarah :)